Step By Step – Saving the Earth from Climate Change
Most, if not all ecosystems on earth have been damaged by us humans. Repairing them requires recovering the biodiversity needed to survive as a species.
This is because 90% of environmental changes turn out to be man-made (and that means me and you!).
We’re the ones who burn petroleum, rear livestock, clear trees, litter the oceans and make complete species disappear. We are increasing the quantities of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If we expect a future for our kids. If we want that, it’s our job to save the planet’s ecosystem – now.
We try to unite people and forces, creating and supporting projects, to repair our planet.
We need to change our fundamental energy sources to perfect and renewable energy. Solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass are only a part of the solution.
- ECO friendly transportation
Our transport techniques should be lined up with environmental prerequisites and decrease their carbon footprint.
- Prevention of air pollution
Numerous techniques exist to prevent, control and diminish air pollution, specifically by lessening the consumption of petroleum products and restricting industry emissions, litter and waste.
- Cleaning the Ocean
Plastic waste and other contaminating residues produced by our civilization, are reentering our organism already when eating fish from the sea.
- Soil revitalization
To improve and gain healthy soil, we need to work with natural fertilizers. One of the best solutions to achieve soil conditions able to sustain the population.
- Recycling and waste management
The best solution for our global waste management is to lessen it in first place, and to adjust our production techniques, our patterns of consumption, and the use of virgin raw materials. This should be accompanied by eco-friendly recycling techniques.
- Circular economy
Utilize the 3 r’s of circular economy Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Altogether this will diminish our waste, if we stay away from the pointless production of new goods. The alternative is to cut off the branch we are sitting on, and destroy ourselves by destroying nature around us..
- Education
Our children need to be educated and prepared for the new challenges climate change presents.
Earth repair can be accomplished by following these and many other techniques. In this controlling of environmental changes our governments have to play a leading role. We need to change (adjust) our practices, to save the ecosystem of the planet and repair our relationship to the natural world, and the impact of human activity on the biosphere.
We are pleased to be able to participate by supporting the construction of new accommodation, sanitary facilities and classrooms for school orphans. We are also in contact with organizations that care for orphans and try to secure a better future for them by providing shelter, schooling, cooperation and exchanging experiences.
In order to expand these ideas and plan for the future, we work with selected families and projects that are already up and running. We also contact local projects which school young women, men and children in vocational training such as hairdressing, basic information science or other professions.
Thus far vegetables and fruit-trees have been planted in the soil, following permaculture principles, on many of our projects with great results. The aim is to establish food forests or forest gardens through which we teach community members to grow food and develop a self-sustaining lifestyle. We are also building tree-nurseries wherever posible to prevent and repair climate change effects.
New projects will be added to fulfil the new needs that will arise from our current endeavors.